Summer Bucket List For Healing After Divorce

Summertime for divorced parents usually means more time without your kids than you usually do during the school year. Often times you have to accommodate vacation time with their other parent or you may have a different timesharing plan altogether. For those with long-distance co-parents, the majority of the summer can be spent without kids.  When…

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Green Flags: What to look for when you hire a divorce attorney

January has been coined “divorce month” in the United States. Statistically speaking – more people file for divorce in the month of January than any other.  This likely because people are evaluating their lives at the end of the year, and ready to make a fresh start.  Others were just waiting to get through one…

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Everything You Need to Know about a Parent Coordinator

In October I completed the certification training to become a Certified Parent Coordinator. Most people have never heard of a parent coordinator. So this blog post answers the most commonly asked questions regarding PCs. What is a parent coordinator and what do they do? A parent coordinator is usually either a mental health professional or attorney who…

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Gratitude During Divorce

Divorce is one of the most difficult seasons any adult will navigate during their lifetime.  Finding healthy coping skills can mean the difference between not just surviving your divorce but actually thriving. I know finding things to be thankful for is probably the last thing you feel like doing while going through a divorce. However,…

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Lessons and Blessing from Divorce

There is no way around it, divorce is a really heavy topic. Even when you are the one filing for divorce, it’s tough. When you’re in the middle of divorce and sometimes even for the next few years following, it can feel impossible to think there could be anything good to come from this. So…

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On June 2nd, my husband Joe and I celebrated our tenth wedding anniversary with a private sunset vow renewal and dinner on the beach at The Don Cesar. The reason I am sharing this is to give you hope for your future.

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Summer Co-Parenting Tips

Summer often means different timesharing schedules than the school year for co-parents. Changes in schedules can come with logistical and emotional challenges; from accommodating vacations and summer camps to potentially longer stretches without seeing your children. As a divorce lawyer and a mom who has been divorced for the , I have navigated many summers…

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Five Stages of a Divorce Case in Florida

divorce, florida, family law, attorney

Family law in Florida is a very complex and dynamic area of practice even for the most seasoned attorney. So if you are feeling overwhelmed by the process, take heart, you have landed in the perfect spot. My goal for this article is to give you a brief and digestible road map through the 5 main stages of every divorce case in Florida.

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After having just survived the stress and emotional turmoil that even the most amicable of divorces can bring, estate planning may be the last thing your to-do list. However, there is no time more critical than now to update or create an estate plan. If you leave everything as it is or forget to create an estate plan altogether, your ex-spouse could receive some or all of your assets when you die. The only way to completely control your assets is to update your estate plan regularly to account for any changes in your life.

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4 Common Timesharing Schedules for Successful Co-Parenting

Florida Law requires every divorce case in the state of Florida to include a detailed parenting plan that describes (among other things) a child timesharing schedule which addresses when the children will spend time with each of their parents. What follows is a description of 4 timesharing schedules that are most commonly used. 1 Week…

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