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Green Flags: What to look for when you hire a divorce attorney

January has been coined “divorce month” in the United States. Statistically speaking – more people file for divorce in the month of January than any other.  This likely because people are evaluating their lives at the end of the year, and ready to make a fresh start.  Others were just waiting to get through one…

Everything You Need to Know about a Parent Coordinator

In October I completed the certification training to become a Certified Parent Coordinator. Most people have never heard of a parent coordinator. So this blog post answers the most commonly asked questions regarding PCs. What is a parent coordinator and what do they do? A parent coordinator is usually either a mental health professional or attorney who…

Gratitude During Divorce

Divorce is one of the most difficult seasons any adult will navigate during their lifetime.  Finding healthy coping skills can mean the difference between not just surviving your divorce but actually thriving. I know finding things to be thankful for is probably the last thing you feel like doing while going through a divorce. However,…

Estate Plan Horror Stories!

I love October, I love fall, I love Halloween! In that vain, I've put together a few estate planning horror stories! The telling of the stories is light hearted, but these unfortunate situations happen all the time!

Divorce Etiquette: Celebrity Case Studies!

The Do’s and Don’t’s of Divorce This month’s blog post is a little bit different and super fun! I am sharing divorce do’s and don’t’s by looking at celebrity divorces and how the couple’s went about their divorce. There is much to be learned by those in the spot light! Some couples have done it…

Are You Prepared?

Empower your future today! Download our free Separation Checklist for a smoother transition or our free Estate Planning Checklist for a secure financial future. Take the first step toward peace of mind now!